We have launched a loyalty programme.

Collect points for your orders and product reviews and benefit from discounts on your next purchase.

How does the monkey loyalty programme work?

For every purchase or review of purchased products, you earn loyalty points. You can use these on your next purchase on the www.monkeymum.com website.

How do I earn these points?

  • Every €4 of your purchase equals 1 point.
  • When rating a product with stars, you receive 3 points.
  • For a written rating of a product - a review - you will get 3 points.

What's their value?

The value of one point is €0,20.

Can they expire or are there any restrictions?

  • You can use points for up to 25% of the total price of the purchase.
  • Points are valid for 365 days. After that, they will be deleted.

Where do I find my points?

The points are linked to the customer's e-mail. You do not need to register in the online store to receive points. You will get informed about the number of points by e-mail. However, if you want to use the points, you must register at www.monkeymum.com/registration and make the purchase via your profile. 

Could you try to explain this to me with an example?

The customer pays €40 for his first order. He also gives a star rating for the purchased product and a written review. This earns him 10 + 3 + 3 points.
He can therefore use 16 points for his next purchase. In total, he receives a discount of €3,2.

How do I use the points?

In the first step of the shopping cart you will find the item ‘Use loyalty points’ - tick this and state how many points you’d like to use for the order.

Your Monkey Mum Team.