Together, we raised CZK 15,000 for Tomáš, who, even with his disability, can start going to school. Many thanks to all who contributed and to those who want to contribute in the future, we present a man whose life has found itself in a difficult situation.

We have recently prepared a collection for this Jarda in the WE HELP section, who wrote a short article about himself for us:

Good day.
after the accident, I remained completely paralyzed and helpless in a wheelchair. My own life situation is so bad that after paying my bills, I don't even have much to eat. An invalidity pension of CZK 4,892 is not even enough for me to cover the most basic necessities of life. Since I am paralyzed, I cannot raise money other than to ask for help in this way. Believe me, there is no other option in my case, my hands are partially paralyzed and it is not in my power to do manual work. My health requires full-time care that I can't afford. I am cared for by a caregiver who receives a salary for her work, to which the state contributes only minimally. I try to raise the rest of the money to take care of me this way as well. I would not be able to afford the costs associated with disability without people who are willing to help you. Unfortunately, most of the costs are not covered by any insurance company, so I am dependent only on state aid, which is not provided to the necessary extent. The situation is getting worse and that's why I was forced to approach my situation in this way so that there was at least some opportunity to help myself. Fundraising is a very difficult and demanding matter, and unfortunately mine
modest options are not even enough to cover the most urgent needs. That is why I turn to you for help so that there is at least some possibility of help. I would like to ask you if you could support me at your discretion and possibilities - preferably with a financial gift, perhaps only a symbolic amount.

Regards and thanks for your support, Jarda.