Dear Monkey Mum Foundation,

We turn to you as a family of five facing life's enormous challenges. Unfortunately, our eldest son Kuba (Jacob) suffers from a rare disorder called the Warburg Micro Syndrome. This severe diagnosis means that at ten years old, Kuba still requires the care and support of a three-month-old infant. His condition is complex – he cannot sit, crawl or walk and is dependent on special feeding methods such as a PEG probe.

Kuba was born with cataracts which was detected at 17 weeks of pregnancy. Despite the doctors' expectations and efforts, his condition has deteriorated significantly. Blindness is yet another severe handicap that Kuba has to face. Every day brings challenges, which we have tried to tackle with rehabilitative treatments and attentive care.

Our entire family has been shaken by this development, but we are trying to stick together and find ways to provide love, joy and appropriate care for Kuba and our other two healthy children. We are a family that enjoys spending time outdoors, and although we have tried to integrate Kuba into our activities, his condition now prevents us from being able to take trips to the mountains together.

This is why we would like to humbly ask for your financial support. With your help, we can provide Kuba with specialized residential care that would allow us to attend to our two younger children and provide them with the experiences we unfortunately cannot share with Kuba. Your donation would go a long way in easing the burden and allowing us to experience joyful moments together as a family.

With deep gratitude to all of you for your overwhelming kindness and support,

Tereza, Róbert, Kuba, Viliam and Oliver Sisák