Filing a Claim
Filing a Claim
If you wish to file a claim within the statutory period, please contact us, describe the issue and send us a photo of the defective product or part. Your experience may be the result of incorrect assembly, with which we are happy to help you. Please use the claim form (which can be submitted via email) or simply let us know about your problem and your preferred form of compensation.
In the event of a claim, we are only responsible for the full shipping costs if you make use of our shipping service. If you decide to send our products back via another carrier, you are entitled to only be compensated up to the amount of our transport fee.
Address for returns and claims: Monkey Mum s.r.o., Pod Stupni 1567/11, Praha 10 - Vršovice, 101 00, Czech Republic, +420 725 441 733.
Always contact us before sending the products back so that we can arrange the shipping service.
If you are unable to print out the claim form, please place a note with your purchase order number in the package.
Click HERE to download the claim form in PDF.
Click HERE to download instructions in PDF on repacking a previously unpacked bed rail in the original box.
Addressee (seller):
Monkey Mum s.r.o.
ID: 07597851
Registered office: V Nových domcích 401/2, Praha 10, 102 00
Registered in the Commercial Register kept by the Municipal Court in Prague, Section C, Insert 303804
Email address:
Phone number: +420 725 441 733
for the sale of goods via an online store located at:
Name and surname:
Phone number and email address:
Exercising the right from a defective performance (claim/complaint)
Dear Sir/Madam,
On (*) I placed a purchase order in your store (see purchase order specifications below). The purchased product
exhibits the following defects (* the defect must be described here in detail).
1. Date of order (*) / date of receipt (*)
2. Purchase order number:
3. The amount paid for the goods will be refunded by bank transfer to the account number: (fill in) or via the payment gateway originally selected for the payment of the purchase.
(*) Strike out what does not apply.
In (place), on (date)